'Wonder Train' shunted off into history

The Daily Telegraph doesn't let facts or journalistic accuracy get in the way of kicking APT when it's down, after the government of their favourite Prime Minister canned a long - but under estimated - project just before completion, along with the wholesale railway electrification it was intended for.

Daily Telegraph illustrated article

THE ADVANCED Passenger Train, once heralded as the future of rail travel and developed at a cost of £40 million now languishes on the sidings at Crewe (far left), shortly to become a museum piece and cafeteria.

The APT was unveiled in l981 as the British answer to high-speed trains developed in France and Japan.

The word ''controversial'' quickly attached to the l60 mph tilting train which early enthusiasts dubbed ''the Concorde of the iron road''

On the first trip (left), passengers tumbled from their seats as the tilt mechanism jammed on the way from Glasgow to Euston. On the next trip, the brakes seized.

Within a year, the APT became an embarrassing part of British Rail history, withdrawn after just a few outings, It is being prepared for a Heritage Centre at Crewe.

Daily Telegraph, 19th March 1990